Project Compassion Appeal 2024

Throughout Lent, we are called to support Project Compassion, an initiative of Caritas Australia.

Together, we can help vulnerable communities face their challenges today and build a better tomorrow for all future generations. Students and families can donate to Project Compassion by placing money into the Project Compassion donation boxes, located in PC classrooms and in main reception at the College. Our student leaders will also be visit classrooms with our EFT squares so that students wishing to donate via EFT can do so. This collection will run across the next 4 weeks.

Each year Caritas Australia has a focus on particular stories from different communities around the world where they are working to improve the lives of people. Each week during the Project Compassion campaign there is a different story from one of these communities which highlights for us not only the fact that there is great need in many communities around the world but importantly how the money donated to Project Compassion is used by Caritas in such communities.

This week’s Project Compassion story takes us to Manila and tells us the story of a young girl named Ronita. Watch Ronita’s Story
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© Caritas Australia​ (2024)